In my 20 years of working with personality type I’ve tried lots of different ways of doing type interpretations. I have to say that The Personality Puzzle is my absolute favourite way to interact one-on-one with clients to help them discover who they are.

I find the cards particularly useful with high level executives….It’s a very natural way for them to learn again all the richness that goes behind the four-letter code before we delve into what we are going to do about it. We have a rich conversation without them being influenced by the scores on an instrument. That’s just part of the ethics of using the instrument, to give people a chance to think about it before they see their reported type.

Using personality type with teenagers is a wonderful way to help them learn how they function best, how they learn best; but also to learn how to advocate for themselves and adjust when things can’t be the way they want them to be. The Personality Puzzle – Type for Teens lets them explore who they are without being told who they are.

Jane Kise INFJ (Former President APTi)

The Personality Puzzle creates a very rich dialogue that helps an individual realise who they really are. The type verification process is very important and this tool really helps with that.

As an MBTI Master Practitioner I wouldn’t leave without these cards in my brief case because they are very, very useful.

Ann Holm ENFP (MBTI Master Practitioner)

I have used The Personality Puzzle card set as an integral part of my practice since first discovering it about 8 years ago. I like the cards in the set as a resource for their clarity, ease of use and the ability to be moved around and arranged as the conversation progresses with a client. In 2015 I had the good fortune to attend a training by Sue on a second resource The Type Trilogy card set and immediately saw how they would be a valued resource in workshops I run. Communication is a key competency and the cards are used as part of interactive small group work looking at Interaction Styles. They are the basis of the workshop. The cards have been so valuable to me as a resource that I have invested in multiple packs. Sue supports her resource with a generosity of spirit that is uncommon and highly appreciated. Her support has included creative ideas around card use and encouragement. I value Sue as a trainer and resource developer.

Jude Ebbett INFJ (Carreer and Development Adviser – BOP Clinical School NZ)

“I love many things about The Personality Puzzle, but here are my top two reasons why savvy type practitioners need a set (or 10) of these cards in their tool kit. One reason is the card format. This makes them interesting and people are instantly drawn to them. They are well laid out, easy to read, enough colour to make them interesting without being busy.

When I run type workshops, on my resource table, I have a pile of books, and The Personality Puzzle cards – they really stand out. The second reason is the info on them. It’s easy to engage with and I love the “parents” piece (your style of parenting, if that four-letter type is right for you) – no other resource has this information so succinctly available. These are one of the most used and referenced resources I own in my extensive toolkit of type products and resources. Thank you Sue, for creating and making available such a gorgeous, useful and affordable resource!”
Jill Chivers ESFJ

I use the Personality Puzzle cards everyday in my work as a career consultant. I have found them to be an excellent tool of self discovery, particularly when working with young people and teenagers. They are easy to use, bright and non threatening, they feel good to touch, are clear to read and have aspects that appeal to all Types. If it is symbols and visuals or words and lists the cards cater for all. I find they allow the client to take ownership and create their profile easily giving the opportunity for discussion along the way. I have used them in workshop situations, in one to one and family settings each a different and successful experience. I do not know what I would do without them!

Alison Lawrie INFP Director, Personality Type NZ

The Personality Puzzle Type for Teens cards are my most valued resource as a MBTI practitioner. The everyday understandable language and symbols on the preference cards and the whole type descriptions would undoubtably be the best way to introduce Type to a teenage client.

The last teenager I worked with arrived at my door looking sheepish and with little to contribute to a conversation. After taking him through the concept of personality preferences using the cards, he started to thaw and talk openly and honestly. For him to see his preferences were OK, and to hear me talking about them like they were, brought a smile to his face. When we clarified his whole type and he read the full description, he couldn’t find anything in it that didn’t describe him well. He was amazed that someone could have written something so accurately about him! The general career pathways that were suggested for his type, INFP, were quite surprising to him but made sense of his failure to impress the Army (they told him he didn’t have enough drive). It also made sense why some of his best marks at school and his biggest passion in life was for art and design. This teenager who had arrived with great despondency left our session with hope and direction that mobilised his journey towards a career pathway more in line with his passion.

It’s seeing the light going on for teenagers like this that makes the Personality Puzzle – Type for Teens worth its weight in gold!

Nicky Gumbrell ESFJ Educational Consultant

“The Personality Puzzle cards present a lot of information in a visually appealing manner.

They provide an introduction to type, summaries of the dichotomies and focused summaries of each type.

I use them regularly in both my coaching and career counselling work to assist individuals understand about their type.

In my career counselling work they help with clarifying:

  • how they see themselves
  • how others see them
  • the “ fit” between their “type” and job interests

In coaching I have used them to aid self understanding and unpicking other people’s behaviour, e.g. understanding individuals in a team and in preparation for performance review sessions. “
Wendy Rowe INTP Execcutive Coach
Wendy Rowe Associates

“Sue’s Personality Puzzle cards are easy to use and understand for both practitioner and client. The cards keep the process of discovering one’s Type fun, interactive and open for exploration. Unlike online or paper based Type assessments, the cards dismantle the misconception that Myers- Briggs is all about fitting people into Type boxes. Rather they encourage the client to see Type from the bigger perspective of how it can help them in the workplace, in their communication and in their career decision making. The conversations I’ve had with clients using the Type cards would never have come about using a paper or online assessment tool. I’ve found the cards particularly well received by young adults and teenagers as they are colourful and engaging to read and hold.”

Tracey Smith – Careers Practitioner
People Architects

I have found the Personality Puzzle to be especially useful in the case of a one to one feedback with a client who needed to discuss the questions and the items that make up the dichotomies of Personality Type. We were able to discuss what each of the descriptors meant and how they might be seen in different behaviours.

Laying the cards out on the floor, we walked around the cards and we were able to work together to isolate her preferences yet leave some options visable for her to ‘re-visit’ when she had a better feel for the options. Because the cards are so portable, and can be used in many ways, they suit a flexible delivery method and provide visible cues to those who are new to Type.

Paula Herring ENTP Management Consultant
Decipher Communications

The Personailty Puzzle is an excellent resource for use in feedback sessions or as tool to aid in self-discovery of Personality Type. The symbols on each preference card, descriptor words and detailed decriptions of preferences at work and in communication, together with whole type descriptions, provide practitioners with flexibility of use and clients with the ability to see and select their preferences and compare types as they discover their best-fit Type.

Andy O’Malley ISFJ Counsellor